I won't say much about this piece. I am happy to explain how I painted it, but the rest, it is not my place to know or say. This piece is for a friend of mine who, some time ago, went on a beautiful journey in receiving her moko kauae. I wasn't at all surprised then, that the intuitive image I received for her, featured her ta moko. I was surprised though by the simplicity of this piece. At first, the image I got was plain black with a white rectangle, in the base of which sat her moko kauae. That was it. Very minimalist but striking I thought. So I went to paint this, but instead of painting the black, I started with several layers of red, leaving the white rectangle untouched. Then several layers of black on top of the red. I then just went free style and started to layer the black and wet it, then started to scratch back down to the red in lines representing the feathers of a korowai - a traditional cloak. Then I painted some faint white and blue lines, forming a shap...