The passing of someone we love is always hard, especially when that person passes before their expected time. This particular person was a dearly loved son, brother, husband, father, friend and more. He is so cherished by many. I’m sure the memories of this dear man will live on in many hearts. He lived a beautiful life. The main memories I have of him was as a school friend. We both played in the concert band and Jazz band. I always admired his skill in music. He was an amazing flautist. He always had confidence, intelligence and a smile to go with it. Yet also, a quietness and respect of people and the world around him. This painting is a dedication to him, his life and to his family. It is an intuitive painting. I saw three things I wanted to paint, the first being coral, that had heads like the keys of a flute, a water fall and a male Huia bird. Each hold meaning which I will try my best to relay. Firstly the water fall is symbolising life, the undying love for his fa...