White Wolf Dreaming
White Wolf Dreaming I had let this painting slip through without blogging about it…I finished this a year ago and gifted it to a dear person in my life. It was a painting I did without a commission but I felt inspired to do it. Then it came to light that it was for someone close to me. I think the painting speaks for itself. It is about the White Wolf Spirit and the spiritual guidance and direction we receive from the First Nations peoples of the Americas with the many spiritual gifts they channel from the Great Spirit. I know my own spiritual path has been inspired several times through their guidance, and I will be eternally grateful. These are a people, like many other indigenous brothers and sisters in the world, who have suffered greatly, but continue to hold on to the spiritual teachings their forefathers gave them. I know in my heart that they will help heal this world, and many will continue to go to them for help and guidance. “Hear me, four quarters...