Sacred Union

I believe one of the most sacred bonds in this world is the one between parents and their children. It is sacred because the bond that flows between them is the closest experience many will have to unconditional love and it is truely a gift to experience. Sadly the conditions people pick up or have imposed upon them in this world have made it difficult for many to experience this type of love. But this is our true birth right, to be loved and to continue to be loved, unconditionally, no matter what mistakes we may make or experiences we choose. A parents love is unconditional as even when they totally disagree with the way their child chooses to live, or vice versa, they can never stop loving them. Love can bring the greatest pain. And that pain means unconditional love; a sacred bond that was formed in our creation, that can never be severed, no matter how difficult this world can become. 

When I painted this picture, it was for my first official commission of an intuitive painting. Albeit, the person I was painting it for was a friend and I'm sure was gifting me this opportunity out of love, but I accepted her request and was very grateful. To my surprise, when I began the painting on the background I had already prepared, it literally only took eight minutes to finish. There was much simplicity to the painting, but having kept it a little while before giving it to her, I enjoyed the feeling of the painting and it spoke to me of unconditional love from parents to their child. 

As you can see the parents are on each side and the child is protected in the middle. 

The mothers role in carrying a child and birthing is so special. There is a quote I was inspired to write some time ago, that talks to the sacredness of this union, and warns against anyone in this world that might taint it. 

“This is a sacred line.
No one should touch this line
unless given the honour.
From this line life springs forth.
Anything that contaminates this 
line contaminates this life.
Therefore it is sacred and should
not be touched unless given the 
honour. It is simple.”


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