Humming Bird Surrender
Sometimes with intuitive painting an image comes to my minds eye but the details are elusive. This time I could see a white bird in flight. I could see the back of the bird with its wings almost reaching upward. But which bird? It looked small and a typical shape, and the words ‘Snow bill’ popped into my head. I looked this up but the closest I found to that name was the Spoon Bill. It didn’t look like this though. I kept looking and found a ‘White Tern’. This is a bird that flies the Pacific Ocean and is beautiful, but it had a black beck - so maybe a bird with a white beck since the words ‘snow bill’ came to me. Then to make it even more confusing, these two birds felt fine to choose…The presence with me was so supportive and happy whatever I choose. It was really nice to experience this kind of joy and gratefulness but I smiled because I still needed to find a bird. I felt a stronger pull towards an American bird, so I tried a white Humming Bird, and yes that felt right, and it had a white bill.
The Humming bird has beautiful wisdom written about it. They have long been known to bring healing, love, joy, light and help from the spirit world. I especially liked finding out that it’s wings move in the shape of the infinity symbol, so it is known to represent eternity which is a wonderful tribute to life after this world. It is a bird that is busy and focused but their physical lightness is a special reminder that even though we get weighed down with lifes daily stresses we need to remember to lighten up. When we choose to release the heaviness in our lives, our fears and worries, like the hummingbird, our spirits can begin to hover and soar as we follow a more joyful path.
I felt impelled to add the colours of the rainbow on the hummingbirds feathers. Rainbows to me represent hope, promise, truth, love and the journey towards our potential, our inner gifts. Our chakra system itself is a rainbow, with vibration and colour. Meditating and visualising colours is an amazing way to get in touch with each of our chakra and gently increase their vibration and potency. We are our own healers. We are healers. We have so much capacity, so much potential. Surrender…this is the key, surrender to all that is good, to all that will feed our true potential..."If on the wings of thy soul thou soarest to the realm of the infinite and seekest to attain thy goal". Baha’u’llah