Before Birth

This painting speaks to a topic that is often avoided, it speaks to the many people that have traveled this heart wrenching journey and are often very alone in this pain, a pain that is deep and tears at the very fabric of life, the pain of abortion. It is a pain that is least expected, a pain that no one wants to experience, but circumstances led to this fatal moment, the most difficult decision imaginable, to stop someones life before birth. 

Although one of the saddest of situations, this unborn baby has come from the union of two souls, who in this physical life are experiencing a very difficult path, their lives being tested with hurt and pain, the bruises, the scars, the fear, the anger, the violence, the drug addiction, the mental torment amongst the better times during this strange and desperate relationship. 

As the woman continued to try and break away from this co-dependant life that was slowly destroying her, a baby came…
So the journey takes a turn, this union that created this child and the mother's body naturally giving life to and growing this precious being, is suddenly forced to let go of this creation by simply taking some tablets.

If we could hear the pain, it is one of the deepest and sorrowful primal screams. It is a wrenching of the life of the baby from the mother and the pain of separation. But from the heavenly world, a different vibration is occurring, a welcoming into the spiritual realm. This precious soul, able to be cradled in the womb of the physical world for a moment, is enabled to journey into the world of light. Here the baby continues to develop and in its purity, draws ever closer to its Creator. Here there is forgiveness, here there is unconditional love and compassion, here there is light, here there is peace… 

In the teachings I follow, it shares that our soul connects with the physical reality at the moment of conception, and that we are by our soul, effectively a celestial entity, that continues beyond this physical life. So I see this pepe (baby), I see this darling creation, that touched this world for a moment inside it’s mothers womb, I see it journey on, to a much better place. And after giving this painting over to the mother, a native butterfly, a Kahukura, came through the front door into the room and flew across past the painting to the other larger doorway, where we carefully let it go free…


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